How can I withdraw Paypal Money Into Kenya Using Epay-Kenya

Check out updated rates for ePAY-Kenya under 'Update' on this blog...

Stuck with Paypal dollars? Open a FREE Epay-Kenya Account here for a quick, efficient, and fraud-free from paypal to mpesa.

As a gal who sees the money aspect in ideas, I like to give credit where it is due, especially when someone is responding to a need and making money out of it. That is the true concept of business. There is a common thread on many Kenyan forums; how can I 'withdraw Paypal money into Kenya'.

The simple answer to that is – you can receive money in Kenya using Paypal, but it is a pain in the you-know-what to get it out. I still maintain that position, but on this post I can confidently say I now know of another way, though I think it is an expensive one, to bring Paypal money into Kenya and it will work for you in an emergency - Epay-Kenya. If you have been around the net for sometime, they were previously Epesa, and re-branded to   

I was recently having this discussion 'how can I withdraw Paypal money into Kenya' with a friend whose internet knowledge I trust, and they said, have you tested Epay-Kenya? I said, they are a shylock; charging me 30% as far as I am concerned only exists with shylocks. Yeah! Sometimes I can be stereotypical like that.

He said no, it is not that high it's about half. Then I said, have you used them or are you recommending another one of those online scam sites? And then he said, would I seriously recommend a scam to you? And with that powerful sales pitch, I decided to give Epay-Kenya a try and see what happens. Here is a narration of my experience with Epay-Kenya.

This service comes highly recommended because they are fast and reliable. I have used them for the last FOUR years without a hitch ever! Check out their site and open a FREE account to find out more.  

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  1. I hate E-pay and Chuchi hostings, they are an inconvenient bunch of fraudsters.

  2. Kagzimu: I do not know why you think they are fraudsters, but I respect your comment. I state very clearly that E-pay is an expensive way to bring money into the country. I also state categorically that you WILL get the money, because I have used their service many times and got the money they said I would get. No surprises there. How much more openness can we put to this discussion? Lets avoid name calling (a.k.a hate speech in politics, lol...)without verifiable reasons.

  3. I could not agree with you more Paula. Obviously Kagzimu might have a reason to post the sentiments but it is equally good to give credit where it is worth. Epay Kenya is more consistent and efficient than paypal in terms service delivery (with all due respect). Yes their charges are on the higher side but then some of us are happy to ignore this in exchange of reliability and efficiency. I have been using epay kenya for the last one year and I have never had a single disappointment. Kagzimu, I suggest you try them again!

  4. I tend to think epay charges are way to high but I also use them. At the moment the exchange rate is at 107 and epay is still exchanging at 96.5 which I think is just being unfair since even banks are at 100. I only use them because they are the only way I can get cash from paypal and being a freelancer, I would rather pay a bit more than loose clients. And to top it up, they are very efficient and fast, that I will not dispute!

  5. I am not sure about the payoneer alternative, unless when you subscribe for Payoneer's "premium" account whose rates are around $100 p.a. E-pay is a bit expensive, and Paypal pretended, some time last year, that it had made things easier in kenya.

  6. n what about they were selling mpesa credits but i checked last from 26th-27th nov 2011 and the site loads only to display nothing! i thought they were cheaper but now i might have to try epay.

  7. Anonymous: its very interesting about that pay mpesa dot com site. I have never seen a site that opens to a blank. Lets keep our eyes on them and see what happens.

    Meanwhile, yes, epesa is expensive, but reliable.

    SFI Hoe Business continues to work for me through their card, and the fact that I can trade internationally and get a bank transfer.

  8. I work with ePAY-KENYA and need to demistify two issues. One being about our rates. In this business, our stakes are high in terms of expousure to cyber thieves, but most importantly is the cost of partnering with the third party gateways which enable us to avail the service to you. They not only charge a premium, especially two checkout, but also retain a significant amount of our earnings for their own security reasons. Secondly, our exchange rates are determined by the trend rather than the actual mean CBK rates for the day. This is so because our funds are remitted on fortnight basis. If for instance we give a rate as per the CBK mean rate today, by the time we receive the USD, the rate will most certainly be different and if we are not carefull on this, the exchange loss can be unbearable. We however try to make the best estimates based on the trend. Kindly bear with us on this. We only want the best for our customers.

  9. Caesar, who works for Epay has kindly taken time to de-mystify their costs. Thank you for sincere Customer Care!

    Well, my intention in discussing the local options to bring paypal money into Kenya is to ensure that no honest hard-working young Kenyan is intimidated out of work by the three-year-old un-cooperative stance of Paypal. In cyber-speak by the way, three years is like three decades.

    It is why I have tested, and re-tested Epay for the last one and a half years, and I can sincerely recommend their service in Kenya to those looking to work online and get paid through Paypal.

    I also believe in appreciating professionalism and for that reason, I have expanded the Epay response on their charges in the blog post here:

  10. Thank you very much Paula for articulating my points so well. I have also read your blogspot and it is a professional representation of the circumstances surrounding our business. We will endevor to work towards giving the maximum value we can to our customers.

  11. Epay Kenya is too damn expensive. Honestly I hate those Penguins!!! I am paid online via pay pal but when I withdraw with you guys you take more than a quarter of my earnings. I do not think I will use your services ever. I have a cheap way of withdrawing pay pal money

    1. Thank you Anonymous for your strong feelings expressed here.

      However, a quarter, unless you always withdraw under 10 dollars (which I don't think is even possible?) is an exaggeration.

      Please let us be fair and/or truthful in our comments.

      Meanwhile, if you do truly have a cheaper and legal way, kindly be so fair as to share with other readers. You are welcome to write to me a private post and I will be happy to acknowledge you as the source.

  12. We are happy to announce a deposit rate reduction on ePAY-KENYA as follows:
    1. Moneybookers - 11% (down from 13%)
    2. Paypal - 14% (down from 16%)

    As stated in my earlier post, ePAY-KENYA is constantly looking out for opportunities which would translate to maximizing our customers' value. We hope to make further good news soon. Stay tuned!

  13. Hey Caesar, thanks for taking your time to let us in on what you offer. I have been using ePay-Kenya for close to two years now and I have never at one single point been disappointed. What Caesar might not have told you is that apart from their reduced rates, they have also reduced their fraud test period and you can now get both PayPal and Skrill(Moneybookers) money within the hour (amazing, right?)....With their reduced rates, efficiency, reliability and great customer service.....I sure recommend them!! you can learn more by visitng their site at

  14. Guys, the mere fact that EPAY is swift enough to offer you your money from PayPal to MPESA in a matter of hours is enough proof of quality services, which in other places would require you to open a "Premium Account".

    Honestly, instead of lauding EPAY, I wonder why some of us are so hell bent on bringing them down. At the moment it takes MONEYBOOKERS around 2 days to credit my Bank Account, which I am ok with.

    However PayPal still remains a mystery one which EPAY comes close to solving each and every day. So if you cannot appreciate the effort that EPAY has made, please SHUT up and use your PayPal money on EBAY to shop for toys!!


  15. Hi, you have interesting post! i'm definitely going to thanks you! Thankyou for your info.

  16. i used to withdraw $15 dollars i recieved my mpesa within the hour ksh 1200 man i love this site sweet .....

  17. I am a good customer of Epay Kenya and I think there are some facts here that need to be stated because I think some Kenyans don't think like sane people. At the end of the day, whether Epay helps you or not, it is still a business and it provides a service that is unmatched. As business people, they have to make their money. If you are an online person, you know what a niche market is and a niche market is always expensive. Epay Kenya provides niche services to Kenyans who choose to use it. I have personally used Epay now for about two years and they have never disappointed me. When there is a problem Caesar and Esther have always called me to let me know what is happening. While so many other services have come and gone, Epay has remained in the business much longer and their constancy and consistency is amazing. Now about hating Epay, you have a choice. You can either use it or find other methods to get your money from any online payment systems and to your phone or bank. Safaricom is an example of a business and people just use it they never say that they hate it. safaricom has been here while other services have either come an gone or have been unable to penetrate the market. I know that there are people here who know the instances where other such services have come, collapsed and disappeared with many innocent people's hard earned money. I have a friend who lost 40k. Nobody forces you to use Epay Kenya and you use it by choice. They dominate the market but other players are coming up but if I was a business person I would dominate the market too while I have that opportunity and so would anyone of you here. They might be expensive but nonetheless it is their consistency that makes me want to use them again and again. Would you rather lose all your money or would you rather get the 3/4 of it as someone here has put it? That is of course an exaggeration because Epay used to take about less than 15% in total with other costs going to 2CQ. Nowadays they take just about 13% One day maybe our banking system in Kenya will wake up, enact laws that Paypal might find acceptable and we might see paypal choosing to work with Kenyan banks because by the way Paypal has no problem with Kenyans but with the Kenyan banking systems, the laws in Kenya and the whole set up that encourages fraudulent transactions which Paypal is very careful not to fall into. Need I say more?

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      Wow! That is a long post. We can turn it into a blog post with your by-line as a guest if you like, contact me through the 'contact Paula' page.

      I agree with all your sentiments, though. I am one of the strongest voices that the rates are high, but then again, so are interest rates, and all sorts of rates.

      In my view, Epay charges for being courageous enough to work in a largely unsecured environment. Its possible their rates will go down if there comes better industry regulations, opening up to more players.

      As for those clients with some sense of service value, as you rightly point out, we pay for the honesty, reliability, and efficiency.

      Bottom line, money is sensitive, and we would much rather some percent less, than 100% lost.

    2. I still find epay annoying by charging 10% for your hard earned money. It is unfortunate there are companies out there making a killing of reaping where they did not so. But it is also Kenyan Banks fault for not integrating paypal to their services. It makes me wonder how Visa is so useless whilst all these hype.

  18. hi, i have just started as a freelancer and are looking to start an e-pay account. Do i have to start it now when it'll have nothing till the end of the month or should i wait till i have some money then establish the account?

    1. Opening the account now, Anonymous, is a good idea. It will ensure your account is active and approved by the time your money comes in. That way you will withdraw fast rather than wait for system approvals.

      View it like opening an account online that requires admin approval. The sooner you are through with that process, the better for you. Note: you are not charged any fees for maintaining an account, just for actual transactions.

      If you click on any Epay-Kenya link on the article above, you can find more counsel from Epay-Kenya directly.

  19. is it me or the calculator at epay is not working........."error message all the time"

    1. Its probably just you! Kidding! I did report the matter to E-pay Kenya. It should be working by now. Thanks.

  20. The major determinant of how much a provider will charge you to withdraw from PayPal is the cost per transaction that PayPal charges which is like 4%. Add bank charges, Mpesa fees and other logistics involved to get the cash to your phone and you'll be surprised at how much or should I say little profit the service provider actually nets on your withdrawal alone.

    All in all as an entrepreneur they choose to take the dive and make the few dollars they can regardless of the costs, we should applaud them for taking that risk and creating job where none would exist.

    With the many upcoming sites providing the service market forces should help push the prices to a sane level in the near future.

    1. True KenyaPesa. Options, options, options! That is what always drives the market to favor the buyer. Competition will certainly make service providers more innovative and eventually make things easier for us all.

  21. Yes, we listen to our customers and take action as appropriately as we can given certain circumstances. We are happy to announce that effective 13/09/2012, the deposit commission rate will go down from 10%+1.5 to 8.5%+1.5. The Withdrawal fee will remain the same (USD 3). This is more so in appreciation of your loyalty over this period of excitement. As has always been our tradition, all our rates are published on our website, meaning no hidden surprises. Our calculator has been revised to reflect the new rates. You can count on our commitment to continue serving you diligently.

    ePAY-KENYA Team

  22. lets applause epay-kenya for tremendious services they have given to kenyans who deserves their hard earned money.
    But to the reality we should not praise it so much because what i know it they better providers in the market with higher exchange rates than epay-kenya and lowest fees.

    For instance does any know this website one can withdraw from $5 and get ksh281.(This is supprise coz with epay kenya you recieve only ksh6)More so there is cash bonus for every withdrawal of $20 and above.
    With this i know that must watch out for this websites.

  23. l need to call esther of epay kenya. what is her number

    1. Send me same message at "contact Paula" direct to my mailbox. I will assist you.

  24. helps you to withdraw from Paypal in minutes.

  25. The best way to get paypal to any country is here, you also get free US Bank account

  26. Well For me I got the best deal with Crowdourcekenya ( are a company that hire people to work from home and they have a facility for it work at home community to withdraw from paypal and they pay you through M-pesa. they recently tarted accepting paypal withdrawal from the general publick and o far they have the best rates and alway pay on time. Oh and they are also reachable with a customer care line or you can even viit their office along ngong road.

  27. Nice enlightening post! However, I need an explanation on an extra cost I think am being charged.

    1. Anonymous, if you read the posts above yours you will get a perfectly sound explanation of the E-pay charges and their reasons thereof. Alternatively, go to the page and contact them for more information.

  28. There is also this other method where you can now withdraw via Equity bank. The charges are minimal though it will take you about 5-8 business days to get money to your Equity account. You can check more info here


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