The principle is this; if you can find someone who has something to sell and you make sales happen and earn a commission (not a salary) on those sales, you can turn yourself into a multi billionaire in your lifetime. Why is that? Because anytime your work creates wealth on earth, you must, by law enjoy a significant part of that wealth.
Mention them by name ‘Michael Joseph’, ‘Titus Naikuni’, 'Bob Collymore', etc, the bottom line of their work is they help those multi-nationals make some serious change on their bottom line. Job description clarified and why they are valued ‘employees’ also clarified!
How to Become a Thriving Affiliate Marketer
However, you do not need to do this by a fancy title and years in college. Online, you can do it as an affiliate with no credentials. What you need more than anything else is the knowhow to turn the tens of confusing online tools into a system that will work for you. There is nowhere else with the potential for millionaire status in your lifetime as the one online.
Online entrepreneurs cannot do without affiliate marketers and there is an unending flow of new products just waiting for you to set up your sales system.
There are products to promote right here in Kenya. We have many hundreds of people with products meant for local consumers. These local entrepreneurs are looking for ways to move their products to consumers. If you can offer that service, you can earn well.
If you can strategically place your blog and/or your website in the right place and to the right audience, you can make an attractive income online in Kenya today.
How to Build Your Blog or Website to Become a Relevant Affiliate Marketing Page
1. Be Specific to Get a Targeted Audience
You do not go to Safaricom and ask for a comb, just as you do not go to SupaLoaf and ask for lamb chops. The first place to get specific on your blog or website is to be clear who you are speaking to. How do you get clear who you are speaking to? With your specific keywords.Kenyans, and I am very much one of them, have an incredible capacity of being random when they are hustling. You ask someone what they want to do and they say ‘anything’.
Okay! Lets get this out of the way, Google is a machine and machines take specific instructions. You cannot succeed online doing that Kenyan hustling thing; you must first decide who you want to target and build your web presence around that clientele.
If you want your blog or website to ever get relevance on Google or Bing or whatever other search engine, you must have ‘specific’ keywords that your blog or website is built around.
2. Market Products That Solve a Problem
I do not know any other way to explain this except to say it exactly as my mentor said it to me ‘no one goes into a shop to buy a drill, they buy the hole’. If you are targeting overweight people, do not sell a diet, sell ‘being trim’. Seriously, I would love to explain that in one paragraph, but I simply cannot. However, to learn how to sell products that solve problems, you can work with me through the Blogging and Affiliate Marketing Income Coaching.3. Have a Sales System
When you walk into a shop, you can immediately see where the display shelves are, who are the attendants, where the cashier is and the way out. There is a system. Let you blog be easy to navigate so that readers can find what they seek. Although a common thing, a noisy blog only loses you readers. Keep it simple and easy to find stuff.
But more than the ease of navigation, let your blog have an inbuilt sales system. Make it possible to move a random reader to a buying client through the tools and system you have put in place on your blog.
The most effective system you will ever have online is an email marketing system. If you do not have a way to capture the contacts of the people who come to your blog, you are bleeding money. To learn how to set up an effective sales system, again read more about the Blogging and Affiliate Marketing Income Coaching.
4. Keep an Eye on Your Numbers
The online world is built by men and women who enjoy maths, sums, figures. Money is a function of figures too. Marketers are paid on figures. Listen, if you want to prosper online, learn to keep an eye on your important numbers. What are those important numbers? Information about your readers.• How many readers do I have coming to my site daily?
• How did they come to me?
• Where did they land first?
• Where did they go next?
• Where did the leave from?
• How long were they on my site?
• And another whole list of similar numbers relating to your email campaigns.
For all this and more, find out more about the Blogging and Affiliate Income Coaching here
Or, sign up to receive my free Starter Guide to Online Income and the amazing Weekly Newsletter ‘Paula Thayrow Today’ by filling in the form on the top right of this blog.
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