This is the best time in history to take your business online. Thousands daily, besides following the general hype of social media, are picking up a smart phone as a mobile device of choice. The logical stop of those people, with time, is to seek out their personal interests through their mobile phone. In short, more people start to interact with products they care about, services, or brands online first.
If you are not online, then it is time to give online platforms for business serious consideration. Many of us are not friendly to numbers, even though there are lots of numbers to support this, and the easiest way to know where the dollars are going is to watch the behavior of the big investors.
Understand Trends by Watching the Corporate Dollar
If the corporate world is doing it, and they are putting dollars towards taking their business online, it is because there is money to be made by being online. If you are even mildly interested in adding income to your business bottom line, then the way to go is to add an online inlet and allow it to work for you.
Corporate bodies are investing thousands of dollars (or tens of thousands of shillings) to build, maintain, and grow their online presence.
They are spending even more to try to outdo each other. What all these corporate bodies know is that a functional website, that is a website that does what it is intended to do, serves the business tremendously well.
Here is the challenge, if you do not have the tens of thousands to invest in high premium web development services, you need to know what to look out for when building a site that is within your small business or individual budget. Gone are the days when you’d wait for the holy writ to be passed on to you by a website developer posing as a one-stop solution.
You have the right to know what to expect, how it is going to manifest, and what is within the reach of your interests in order to get the best out of your online presence. Here are a few tips on what you need to know to ensure your website is attractive and fulfills its intended purpose.
Know The Purpose of Your Online Presence
Whether a blog or a website, start by identifying what the site should do for your business. There are multiple roles of an online platform; to give information, marketing and promotion, selling, maintain client relations, host buying platforms, etc… To read more on the various roles a site can play, read The Multiple Roles of Your Site.
Go For Designs That Are Simple and Easy to Navigate
If you can’t figure out where the important information is, your client will not either. Keep the clutter off your site, let it stick to the point and deliver on one point. A site that delivers is ‘uncluttered’, clean, and pleasant to the eye. With a click or at most two, the client should land on the page they are looking for; the one with the vital information the client seeks. Of necessity, this is often achieved by keeping a site free from excessive decorations, graphics, and animations.
Make Your Site Easy to Connect To
Very closely related to the last point, is the speed your site loads both on a PC and on a mobile device. As a rule, the less the graphics, and the fewer the animations that take up band-width, the faster your site will load. Unless you are promoting games, often sold to a target market that have time on their hands, the average adult will not wait for a slow loading website to finish doing its thing.
Choose Your Colors With Care
It may be that I changed what I read online, but there was a common black background design some years ago. Suffice it to say, it would not inspire comfort and pleasantness in the site visitor’s mind. I see a lot less of them now, and I am not altogether surprised that the design did not last long. Unless your business color is a brand (such as the screaming Safaricom green) stick to the gentler hues on the color scheme you select. The deep shades of most colors tend to be too daring for most people. Unless you are an artist trying to make a point, your focus should be to keep people with you, not chase them away.
Make Sure You Site is Easy to Read
The simplest way to achieve this is through color. Use different shades of the same color, but keep the background light, and the ink dark. That way, it is easy to pick out the text and makes your site more reader friendly.
Keep Your Site Free of Distracting Animations and Graphics
Contrary to what app developers will sell to you, readers generally will not stick on a site with jumping graphics, animations, glaring colors, background sounds, auto-play videos, and all those gimmicks. To keep it professional, keep your site simple and let the site deliver what it needs to deliver.
Make Your Products Obvious
If you are going to use your site as an online store, there should be an unobstructed view of the products and/or service your site is offering. The site should use rules of design, font, and grammar in the most traditional way, that is caps at start of sentences and proper nouns, bold for emphasis, all caps in very limited measure and only for emphasis, correct spelling, etc… In other words, super fancy designs and expressions will not keep readers on your site. Simple is very valuable online too.
Make Your Site Deliver the Best Visitor Experience
A simple design, gentle colors, simple navigation, graphics for most basic illustrative purposes, will attract you more readers with intent to do business with you. Just like the best selling brick and mortar shops have simple navigation, designs, layouts, and product display, so too are the rules of an online platform. Follow the rules of simplicity.
Whether you are a solo-preneur selling your professional services, or you’re a church, or a common interest body desiring to bring people together around a common topic, or a charity body seeking to keep in touch with donors, or you want an e-commerce site to sell online… whatever your online needs, a site (blog or website) will add to your bottom line.
Remember: a poorly designed site can ruin your best intentions. Take the necessary step to build a phenomenal site, that is, don’t leave your design to someone out there, be actively involved; take control.
Contact AMS for an amazing deal. We build professional websites using the best self-edit platform out there. Included in any web development plan you take, we give full hosting, domain registration, and FREE coaching to make site deliver. Contact AMS today
registration, and FREE coaching to make site deliver. Contact AMS today
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