Internet Marketing is the Untapped Career Path in Kenya

Let us keep it short! Do not give yourself excuses! Click on the image to the left to learn more about this life changing seminar on income-making online marketing.

There are limited spaces and the booking is on NOW!

Read more and book yourself a front seat on the form here.

Looking for a job or a career path? Well, government statistics state that over 10 million youth, under the age of 30 in Kenya are jobless. Recently, at a talk I present to this same age-group, I reminded the listeners that the government has no solution to this problem. Let no politician, past present or future, play games with your future using these numbers.
The fact of it is the magnitude of the unemployment problem it is too large for any government to solve in 100 days, a year, five, or even ten years. The numbers increase daily, and the nature of the planet is that jobs cannot, will not, shall not ever increase at a rate fast enough to sort this matter.

If you keep doing exactly what you are doing now, that is wait for the government of ANYBODY to come and solve the unemployment problem, you can rest assured you will be waiting for a very long time. The only thing governments can do for their citizenry, the world over, is to provide an enabling environment so that you can work out a solution to the unemployment issue at your doorstep.

I will tell you one thing, and you can take this prophecy to the bank, the only industry that multiplies fast enough to provide gainful employment for as many young people as we are churning out of our universities and colleges annually, monthly, weekly, is ICT and internet. The Kenyan government has no restrictions to your starting a career in this industry.

In the last four months I have worked closely with hundreds of youth encouraging them to join the ICT and internet employment arena and the degree of ignorance about legitimate online opportunities in Kenya is staggering. Most people hearing about the internet and jobs think of only one word ‘SCAM’. It is fascinating. While the Mark Zuckerbergs, the Brian Rooneys and a host of others of this world are waking up multi-billionaires in a little over ten years because of the power of the internet, Kenyan youth are still thinking how there are scams online.

Now you have a chance to attend a forum where the truth of online income is explained to you. Mr Timothy Maina has worked hands on in the US for years and is here briefly to share with you hands-on tactics to enable you make money online. In brief, here is what you will learn at the Side Hustle Internet Marketing Seminar:

The Side Hustle
• How to establish your Online Presence
• How to Find a Profitable Niche you will enjoy working in
• How to Effectively Brand yourself
• How to Create & Host your Website
• How to Create Electronic Products for Sale
• How to Hire Independent Contractors (your workers)
• How to Build a Profitable Mailing List
• How to Network with other Online Marketers and Build Lasting Business Relationships
• How to Use Social Media to Leverage your Brand
• How to Receive & Process Payments Online
• How to Withdraw your Online Funds in Kenyan ATMs


  1. I will be out of town on 28th. Please let me know when else you will be having the training. I am really interested.

  2. Thank you Betty. We will keep you updated through our Facebook page here:


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