Use Stragic Online Marketing to Boost Your Online Income

Turn your online presence into a cash minting machine through Strategic Online Marketing
Here is one for you... is your web presence generating you the kind of income you hoped it would?

If not, you probably have one of three things:
a.    A non-performing email marketing campaign, or…
b.    No email marketing campaign or…
c.    No Marketing Plan in place

You see, as people  get more tech savvy, they are more likely to open more than one web page at a time. They open several pages and keep flicking to each of them.

They may be waiting for one page to load, waiting for another to run the video on yet another tab, have their favorite newspaper open in another tab, have a chat going on a social media site on another, have their mail open on another, be reading a blog on yet another, and open links from the blog on several other tabs.

Although this may sound exaggerated, it is how most people do stuff on the net. In other words, even the best of online visitors are super distracted. Therefore, even if you have an amazing website, it will still not get the best attention of your visitor.

But picture this; can anyone truthfully be reading four emails, or even two, at the same time? Most of us open one email, read it to its conclusion and then move on to the next one. In short, an email has a very high percentage of the reader’s attention.

It is no surprise therefore that after TV advertising, email is the next most effective marketing media. However, effective as it is, it is also amongst the cheapest marketing tools you can use.

For the savvy business person, nothing beats great results at a reasonable price.

Turn Your Website Into a Ready Source of Income
Ever woken up and you have  a cash emergency and you have no idea where to get the money from?

Or are you always less on the money but more on the month even though you run a blog?
Here is the plain fact. If you run an effective marketing program on your blog or website, you can have two streams of income running side by side all day every day.

•    A passive source of income — you set up the campaign once and the internet goes to work for you
•    An active source of income — you can actively select what to promote, and move products to your mailing list

Many Websites Do Not Make Money — Change Yours!
The most common question I get on from my readers is ‘how can I make money from [this] website? And they will put a link to their web page or blog. Almost always, when I visit the page I find there is not a single thing on sale on the site.

At first I used to find this disappointing or even annoying.  How can you reasonably expect to make money on a website if you are not selling anything? Where would that money come from? 

The thing about many people coming online in Kenya is that they do not relate what happens offline with what happens online. That is why this August I am hosting a live seminar to show you precisely how to make your website or blog make you money. I work with you to relate how to build a powerful online business using the same strategies you would use offline and the same strategies I have used to: 

- Get to top of google searches for targeted keywords
- make a recurring 50k + online income with ease and much, much more.

Online marketing is simply Amazing Online Customer Care. Any successful business person will tell you, Customer Care in its very many versions, is the make or break of even the best business ideas.

Get The Best Information in This Market 
Attend a one day seminar and learn how to turn your website or blog into a source of income with the net working for you. Discover:
•    How to make sure your mails are read
•    How to grow your list
•    Database management and development best practices    
•    How to get readers to talk to you through email
•    How to keep people reading to the last line
•    Generate amazing conversion rates to any campaign you start
•    How to avoid being sent to Spam and improve deliverability
•    How to write attractive email copy
•    Where to and when to place your offers 
And much more…
To sign up for this seminar and book your seat click on the link below: 

Strategic Online Marketing Seminar

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