Essential Tools to Affiliate Marketing Success Online

Of primary importance to success as an affiliate marketer anywhere, including Kenya is to increase the potential to succeed. You only increase this potential by learning to utilize the right tools to market and ensure sales. This is the way to a successful affiliate marketing program.

Over the last year, we have worked with and consulted with successful online marketers and the rich experience has shown us what works. We also have the ONLY professionally-built Blogging and Affiliate Income eCourse & Personalized Coaching program in Kenya. Using what we have learned, used successfully and now teach, you can turn your work online to a thriving career. In this article we take you through the top and essential tools for a thriving affiliate marketing business.

Affiliate Marketing Success Tool 1 — Your Own Website

The greatest important and indispensable tool in affiliate marketing is your own site. For this market, that is the Kenyan market, a blog is far more effective for most businesses than a website. To build a thriving affiliate marketing business, create a simple, well presented, and authentic website. Your site is what will jump start all your marketing efforts.
Visitors must be able to find what they are looking for quickly and by following directions given in simple language. These two characteristics are imperative. Create an easy-to-use website more than a latest-attraction website and you have your first step right. Your site should encourage visitors to ‘willingly’ hang around, click on links, and take action. They will only do this willingly if they can easily locate the links to the goods and services you are promoting.

Affiliate Marketing Success Tool 2 — Credible Content

Most seasoned affiliate marketers will lump having a great website and content in the same point. Yet, it is a common experience to visit a website with an incredible idea with lousy content. Recently, one of our readers presented a link to me and asked me to evaluate the selling potential of their site. It was one of those difficult moments to tell him the content was so incredible, anyone reading through it could tell it was a con job. 

Credible content gives information without exaggeration. When a site is too hyped up, there are too many flashing banners, too much color, too many links, too much of everything, it puts the visitor off. In addition to the presentation, the content MUST be helpful.

An article must not say all there is to say, but it must have at least one useful idea. Practical content is a winner any day. By posting practical and valuable content, your site establishes you as an authority to be trusted in your field. It displays you as a trustworthy endorser of the product or service you support. Establishing a good reputation is important to building a loyal consumer base.

Affiliate Marketing Success Tool 3 — Incentives

Competition for consumer attention is fierce online. If there are no Facebook updates stealing visitor interest, there certainly is some YouTube, or Pinterest update stealing everyone’s ability to focus on one thing. Therefore, the savvy affiliate marketer needs to find ways to speak to their audience when they are not disturbed by all the other diversions.

This is the place of incentives! Incentives come in a whole range from the most common Free eBook or Free Report, the Newsletter, the gift in exchange for a survey, discounts, and everything else in between. The simple goal of an incentive is to keep you in the mind of your reader after the event of being on your site. 

The other most important value of incentives is to help you build your mailing list. There is no tool in online marketing that beats email advertising. If you have a bit of background in affiliate work, the money is always in the list. You build this list with your attractive incentive. 

Affiliate Marketing Success Tool 4 — URL Popularity

In all my coaching time since last year, nothing gets ignores as much as building the popularity of one’s URL. Yet, sales online depend on the amount of visitors that come to your page. If there is no one coming to your site, it really will not bring you any great results. That is no rocket science. Regardless of what the hype says, there is nothing as good for your site as generic traffic. If your site continues to draw traffic from search engines all on its own, you are in a very good place.

How do you build your site’s popularity? There is linking your page to other high profile sites, there is proper use of keywords, and then there is content relevance. This is a very shortened edition of how to build traffic to your site. The affiliate marketer who will make an impact in their bank account knows that building their links popularity is the single task that never ends.

Affiliate Marketing Success Tool 4 — Use Unique Web Pages

Again, there is a lot of noise online and on this one I learned my lessons the hard way. Putting significantly different offers on the same page simply makes the reader confused and thus they leave without taking out anything. Previously we would place job offers, coaching, and eBook sales all on one site.

It was a mega disaster. Today we have a separate website for each category of tasks of AMS and Paula Thayrow. If you are going to sell more than one significantly different product, use a unique web page to promote that one product. Build a whole site around it. Get quality content exclusively for it. Do not lump it all together to save on web hosting costs. That is a costly mistake.

Affiliate Marketing Success Tool 5 — Build A Site Optimized For A Mobile Device

Over 25% of your website traffic will come from a mobile device. That is a HUGE percentage, considering only 1 in every 100 visitors will buy from you. You cannot afford to lose the 20 people out of the 100 because it just is possible the one buyer is in the 20 who clicked out. Make sure your site is visible on a mobile device.

The two major blogging platforms, Blogger and WordPress, have a default setting to ensure this is true of your site. But do not assume your site can be seen on a mobile device simply because the setting says mobile compliant. Check from several mobile devices and see what your site looks like. This site, in the default mobile enabled version is completely invisible on a number of devices. So we have created the mobile enabled version uniquely to ensure the site can be seen off a mobile device. You now have the five important tools for the savvy affiliate marketer.

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