It makes me shudder every time I meet yet another person who is looking for that magic-blue-pill to riches online. Online as anywhere else, the true successes are men and women who provide products and services to solve a human need or problem.
The real online money in Kenya will be made through the provision of goods and services promoted ethically through blogs and websites. It does not matter what makes you tick. If you are a freelance writer, create a blog or a website that attracts employers to you.
If you are a photographer, the same, if you are a designer, you like all things investment, whatever your thing, promote it with a website. There is nothing on the planet that cannot be turned into a value adding product or service with a blog.
Selling Your Own Product or Affiliate Marketing
There are two ways of making money online using your blog or website. Either develop your own products and market those, or can sell other people’s products and earn commissions against those sales. Affiliate Marketing and using your blog to sell goods and/or services is a trade almost anyone can employ online and make it work.For instance, building a site that enables you get bigger and better paying freelance jobs is well enumerated in the Brandstorm Network Online Business Development Kit. If you keep doing what you are doing that is not making you money, you will keep struggling. Take the course for only Kshs 1,500 and change the way you see your online options.
Turn Your Blog and Website to Service or Product Delivery
I will keep this one short. There is legitimate money online, there is scam money online. There is ‘quick scam money online’, there is legitimate and sure online income, but it’s often ‘slow’. ‘Fast’ meaning ‘huge returns with little effort’ is rarely a word used side by side with money by honest business people. ‘Fast money online in Kenya’ is a continuing lure of shady schemes out to fleece the gullible.If you are not into freelancing, the only other sure and most legitimate online money you will make will come from turning your blog or website to a site offering goods and/or services for sale and earning a commission on those sales.
Affiliate marketing is a service you can offer and make money online. If your blog or website is not selling anything; your skills, a product, or a service, and you are looking for ‘fast money’, brother, sister, I don’t need a prophet to tell me you will get caught up in a random money swindling scheme.
To learn how to set up an income generating blog or website, enroll in my online e-course, Blogging and Affiliate Income Six Week Coaching.
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