Why Simply Paying to Join an MLM Will Not Make You Rich

I am an MLM junkie and I know it. Nothing makes me happier than being in the gossip mills describing the latest MLM in town. When I sit amongst network marketers, with all their bizarre behavior, I am at home. I recently sat in the company of seven people; five of us MLMers. Of the five, each was a member of a different MLM company.

I was mortified when by sheer bad luck, I think, the other two let out that they were not in any MLM. It was like watching a pack of hyenas get to work on a fresh carcass. It was both hilarious and horrifying to watch! The two were so bombarded with the different programs they could not tell their right ear from their left. 

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Although the high energy in MLM companies is intoxicating, in truth not everyone will strike it rich in MLM no matter how loud and sweet an MLM pitch sounds. This reality has become more apparent to me since I started to interact with this local MLM company with USA roots retailing internet marketing tools.

MLM Sales Structure Gives No Room For Failure

MLM marketing structures are cut-throat everywhere on the earth. Unlike insurance or any other sales jobs where targets are implied and not written, in MLM they are ingrained in the marketing plan. In other words, an MLM’s sales targets are written in black and white. If the target is five clients to earn so much, the target remains. No five clients! No money! Case closed!
Any other sales job is way more lenient. Targets are issued in a marketers meeting on a Monday morning. If all the ten marketers report back with low results, they adjust the targets downwards. It is no surprise therefore that MLMers are a bit fanatical. They speak nothing else other than ‘their product/company’ even in the most inappropriate settings.

Yet, somehow, in the crazy rush to make a sale the seriousness of MLM and the sales requirements for success are kept silent. What gets the most air-time is the potential for unlimited success sucking in many unsuspecting wealth hunters.

No Sales No Money In this Social Media MLM

This local MLM, like all MLM companies is no different. You will hear a lot about how the business will make you money. You will in fact hear testimonials from real living persons who in just three months have moved from job seeker to making Kshs 200,000 plus monthly. No one, and I mean no one in the Business Opportunity Meeting will tell you:
•    The sleepless nights the person spent making solo-strategic plans
•    The hundreds they have borrowed left, right, and centre to do follow ups that convert to sales
•    The disappointments — for out of every ten promises of purchase, nine will fail to buy
•    The fall outs with family members and friends who believe the person is wasting their life
•    The sheer bare-knuckle determination that brews within them

In short, no one will tell you that MLM success comes on the stairs called hard work — there is no lift.  I meet people who ‘join’ this local MLM, purchase the whole pack of over 7 internet marketing products at Kshs 2,750, go to sleep and wake up a month later expecting to be millionaires. Where did that person expect the money would come from? It’s clear! No sales, no money!

If You Are Any one of These — Forget MLM — It Won’t Make You a Millionaire

Money in MLM (and at Cocacola, EABL, Unilever, etc…) and at this MLM by the way, money is only made when sales happen. So here is an open secret for you. If any of these describe you, you will not make money in this MLM or in any MLM for that matter:
1.    If you are looking for a place online to put in $30 and it miraculously grows into $1,000, please invest the $30 elsewhere. Money in MLM does not grow on trees or sprout in a piggy bank 

2.    If you are in a hurry to make millionaire bucks real fast, you’re on the wrong lane. Fast money does not exist in MLM anywhere. It takes work, determination, and focus 

3.    If you do not believe in hard work, well, an MLM is not your place 

4.    Very important: if you do not like people, please stay very far from an MLM company.  MLM is a people business, or rather, it is a business of growing people first, bank accounts second. When you help make people rich, only then do you become super rich in an MLM

5.    If you cannot afford to invest in a business, pay for business overheads, and maintain a business structure until you break even — forget an MLM company, forget this MLM 

6.    Another VERY IMPORTANT: If you believe that the only money you need in an MLM is the fee to start the business, you are wrong. Even for a good old kiosk business, you need City Council rates, you need rent, you need stock, you need, you need, you need… before the business brings you money. The MLM concept is a business not a pyramid scheme

So there you have it. To succeed in this MLM or any other, come on board with the mentality of starting a business, hard work, and determination and you will make it. Want to join me to make money through the first ever social MLM in Kenya and the world? Join me here…

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