With your faith and confidence in place, God is working to enable you find a job in Kenya

Life takes on the form of the predominant thought pattern of the individual.
For the purpose of this post, we will restrain ourselves to the life results of an adult.
What an individual has in their innermost regular thought pattern, that is what will evidence itself in their lives.
Now that truth poses a big challenge to most people because we often prefer to think that there is a huge mean God somewhere out there bringing on our horrible experiences.

Well, it is true that there is a Supreme Being who does govern the way things operate on the earth. But most people have this fancy picture of God as a weak being whose getting into the business of giving you a pack of chips for lunch as opposed to a plate of meat. That often results in a God who is seriously weak and prone to change tack according to the whims of humanity.
No, God is quite consistent and clear.
All that was created follows a definite rule all of the time for all people everywhere – and that is no matter what their faith is. In fact, in the matter of various concepts of God, there is no inconsistency at all. Inconsistency of the Being or Force called God only presents itself when interpretations are subjected to flow according to our human emotions.
All of life is perfect; war, peace, famine, plenty – all situations are perfect. All situations are correct. What however you do have big power over is your experience of those events.
What you focus on the most is what will govern your life experience. It is possible to be in a room full of people and be very lonely. That person did not become lonely when they came into the room, they were lonely long before they came into the room. Lonely is their dominant state that governs their minds.
In a nation of over 35 million, there are jobs except if your dominant thought pattern says there are no jobs. The mind that believes there are jobs will start to see them.
So how do you bring yourself to the place where you start to see those jobs in Kenya?
Your power is in taking control of what you dominantly allow your mind to dwell upon. The saddest influence of our time is the noise and clutter in the environment that we live in. There is so much that is calling for your attention that you then fail in your primary assignment on the earth – to focus on the results you want to see.
When you learn to focus on thinking the most about what you want to see, you enter into the place of being a co-creator with God – which is your rightful place.
Add to your focus confidence that there is your Creator who is interested in your well-being and the path to find your best jobs in Kenya will open up to you.
You are on the earth to rule. But the one and only place you can genuinely rule is in your thoughts. Teach your mind to focus on the results you want to see, and you are automatically a king. The results in this case is to find jobs, then decide what job you want, and go out with a personal plan that will enable you to find that job.
By Paula Thayrow – 16th December 2009