How to Start a Profitable International Business With Limited Investment Capital

First, you need to understand that if you are worried that you will  start a business with little capital, you would most likely have lost it if you had it. So bless God you have limited capital, because now you can focus that money on things that bring money. 

The fact that you do not have capital is actually a blessing in disguise. It ensures that since you cannot fly, you enter into the business world from the door with the staircase and climb up.

The inevitable path of all who ask, how can I start a business with limited capital is that if by some mean twist of fate do come across large capital, they lose it. To give an analogy, it simply means they landed on the roof from a helicopter. Meanwhile, it is impossible to operate in the business world from the roof. 

They must go down into the building where real people are, because that is where the real money actually is. Sooner than later, they realize that they must go down, but there is no staircase to get down and they do not have wings to fly off the roof. Therefore the only logical way for them to get down is to jump.

They must crash so that they can start from the ground and build up. Why is that? Life has a way of teaching what we did not learn from home and family. The majority of who start business without socialization into the business world get to the point where they learn the hard way what brings money in business and what loses money. You do not need capital to start a successful business – you need knowledge.

Business is a world on its own with its own rules and perceived reality. That is why successful business people, just as successful career people are men and women that have been in that world for at least a decade. Do not imagine that you are different; if you select to place your priority in learning, you will assuredly profit over time.

Why banks do not give loans for START UP business
I like to split the issue of capital into two so that you can see it more clearly; what is it that you truly want? Do you want a) capital, or b) a business that makes you money? Assuming, and this is true for most people, that what you want is b) which is a business that makes you money, then the issue of capital is actually a non-issue. Therefore, allow me to push the capital issue aside, especially because you do not need capital to start a business; that is marketing hype started by banks and all those traders in money and currencies.

How can I be so sure? Tell me of one bank that will give you a loan for a start-up without an established income source. Show me one anywhere in the world? They all know – what you need to START a business is information – not capital. They only lend money to 'build' what you already have made work.

Now, with that said, let us get to the heart of this matter. How then, can you build a business without capital? In the years of my own experience and by watching the experience of hundreds others, the best place to start a business with no capital, get professional training, while making money at the same time is in the world of network marketing. No other business industry has the financial stability and strength to sustain the weight of training people, sustaining their costly learning mistakes, except the world of network marketing.

Three Reasons You Cannot Lose Money with a Network Marketing Company 
1.    Years of free training; some companies will charge you, but the larger percentage will not except when the company calls you in for a training session. Usually, when that happens, they only call in their top marketers who already can afford the high cost of training. The rest is mostly free.

2.    Established success culture; In place training at a fee, network marketing companies have an established success training culture that is hidden in a term most humans prefer called 'sponsorship'. A sponsor in the network marketing world is the equivalent of an apprentice turned Business Coach. They learn from the ones before them that have succeeded, and they teach the ones coming in the same things. This is the solution to helping anyone not naturally socialized into business to get the necessary socialization to start to see the world from a business angle.

3.    Well researched product lines; most companies will have established product lines stabilized by billions invested in years of research. They do heavy market research to find out what the market responds best to. Therefore you need never lose a coin trying to work out your markets and the technicalities of marketing products. Just follow the training and you will get there. 

Is making a successful business in network marketing a guarantee?
I do not wish to make it sound like it is impossible to fail at network marketing. I have only said the foundation is right for those that wish to succeed. All success comes at a price and the price is simple; commitment, commitment, and commitment.

If you are looking for an easy way into money, then network marketing, no matter how the company has phrased their sales pitch is not the boat to get on. Network marketing makes the largest number of millionaires on the earth, after entertainment. If you do a quick study of millionaires on the earth, you will find that very few of them stumbled into wealth. They worked into it. However, there is no other place you will get business failure cushioning, as you will get in Network Marketing.

Is there a Network Marketing Company I would recommend?
In my lifetime, I have worked with more network companies than I care to speak about and all network marketing companies are not equal. You have a higher possibility of success in some than in others.I personally, and I have very specific personal considerations for that decision, have chosen to build a successful business with the MFB business opportunity. 

To start with, as a woman, I got tired of the rat race tying to out-do men in a predominantly male-dominated society. Secondly, I believe the internet is just starting to catch on in Africa and in many third world countries. Now seeing that that is where the largest populations of the world are, I want to be on the front line of the opening up of that business frontier. The MFB business opportunity is the one company with over ten years in both online and offline platform that I could trust on account of their years in business. 

Use the MFB Business opportunity to start your own business with just a small capital of $30 simply click on the link MFB Business Opportunity

Related articles:
Ten practical steps to starting your own business without losing money – Part One
Why starting a business with no capital is a blessing in disguise

1 comment:

  1. Kuza Biashara offers training, educational, and business support services which are critical to the success of SMEs and enable them move from an informal sub-sector to a knowledge based economy.


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