Set Compelling Goals to Get to a New Level of Achievement This Year

I have never been much of the goal setting type of person. I made my life achievements step by step working with whatever goodies life brought my way per time. Having led a pretty joyous childhood, I never got to be one of those ‘driven’ people. I prefer to smell the flowers, and watch the birds as I go along. The good side of that lifestyle, among other benefits, is I have not dragged the years along with me, I have remained un-angered by the world, and remain young at heart and in appearance as an added advantage.

However, last year was a powerful eye opener for me. The older I become, the more opportunities coming my way. And the more the opportunities, I found it became easier to engage in everyone else’s targets and forget the ones that are important to me. I realized that I have to consciously know the most important things in my life so that I can keep to those while steering clear of the distractions.

So at close of 2013, I made a conscious choice, for the first time in my life (and those are a significant number of years) to not only build up a list of goals, but follow them and get them done. So this is going to be an interesting year; I will be doing something completely outside my comfort zone. I am totally going to like finding out how seriously I can keep to a path when I make up my mind to follow it to its logical conclusion.

So if you want to sail with me to the land of better successes, let me share the first toddler step that has enabled me to draft goals that I am excited about.

Know Your Most Compelling Why
Having watched my life, and the life of tens of friends, I know by observation that if the goal or the target is not compelling enough, we just won’t get it done. A compelling goal is one that gives you drive; one that makes you want to wake up in the morning and go at it.

Knowing your most compelling why, however, is more deliberate than it is obvious. Too many people think their most compelling ‘why’ is to ‘have money’, or to ‘have a job’, or to ‘have a better marriage’. All goal oriented people will immediately tell you those are not goals you will achieve because they are not specific. But all that about SMART goals you can get from performance trainers and Life Coaches.

I am speaking here about something deeper and incredibly more significant. Why do you want what you want? In other words, what is it that you really want to achieve? What is the one thing, if money, time, effort, and resources were not a problem, would really put a zing to your life if you achieved it.

Most of us do not know our ‘why’ let alone our ‘most compelling why’. We are too engrossed in paying the bills, getting kids to school, keeping the peace in our marriage, finding that blood warming lover, making this number of millions, or whatever other thingi is taking up the Operating System of your mind, to stop and think what ONE thing you would really want to achieve in life.

Find a Tool To Help You Zero In On Your Most Compelling Why
With all my years of observation behind me, I knew the only thing that would make my goals work is a COMPELLING WHY. I took time to shop around, pick the brain of my Coach, pick around several tools, and finally settled on one goal setting tool. The reason I chose this one tool, is because it gave me the process to thin down my most important Things to do Today list and come up with ONE reason that beats all else in doing whatever I am going to do with my year.

What surprised me, and I am sure this would be the same for most people, is what I thought was important, having thinned by goals, options, actions, etc… turned out to be the one thing I was giving the least attention. Suddenly, having established my most important single goal, I have a new level of joy, peace, and zest to live. It’s like a daily high!

Identifying your goals from the point of your MOST COMPELLING WHY is a fantastic process. It will give you strong clarity on what is the single most important thing for you. When you know your ‘most compelling why’, you can easily:
•    Clarify who your friends are
•    Plan your time around value adding activity
•    Plan your business or work related activities deliberately
•    Identify your spiritual values for a healthier inner you
•    Plan your food, exercise, and general health regime around known principles
•    Have a more fulfilling life all round

This year, purpose to find out your ‘most compelling why’ and watch the miraculous start to happen around you.

1 comment:

  1. I know my 'most compelling why'. And that is why I'm working hard (and smart) on my online business, good weeks and bad weeks not dissuading me. Thanks for this!


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